Gut Feelings:
Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and the Patient-Doctor Relationship
A Guide for Patients and Doctors
A groundbreaking book on the science, diagnosis, and treatment of the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI), formerly called Functional GI Disorders and the importance of effective communication skills for patients and their doctors.
Gut Feelings: Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction and the Patient-Doctor Relationship, was written as a collaboration by an internationally-acclaimed gastroenterologist and a patient advocate with one main goal: to improve the care of patients with DGBI.
Gut Feelings is broken down into four easy-to-read sections:
Part 1: A Conceptual Understanding of the History, Philosophy, and Scientific Basis for the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI)
Part 2: The Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI)
Part 3: Maximizing the Patient-Doctor Relationship. This section includes key elements to optimize the patient-doctor relationship with a guide for patients about self-management, and what they should do to maximize the care they are to receive, including problem-solving techniques.
Part 4: Information for the Doctor. This section is designed for the doctor and discusses aspects of shared responsibility and ways to use the book as a guide in working with patients.
Part 2: The Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI)
Part 3: Maximizing the Patient-Doctor Relationship. This section includes key elements to optimize the patient-doctor relationship with a guide for patients about self-management, and what they should do to maximize the care they are to receive, including problem-solving techniques.
Part 4: Information for the Doctor. This section is designed for the doctor and discusses aspects of shared responsibility and ways to use the book as a guide in working with patients.
The scientific explanations are presented in simple-to-understand terms, and many of the vital educational elements include the patient’s perspective. There are also case histories and videos to bring to life the learning experience. Special features include a glossary to aid patients in understanding technical terms, beautiful illustrations, cartoons, and a resource page to find top-tier clinical programs that see patients with DGBIs. Learn More